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Akamai House Check-in Directions

Check-in time is 4:00 pm:
You may proceed directly to the home, we will have it prepared for your arrival at 4PM. You will receive an Arrival Instructions e-mail with more specific instructions on how to enter the home within 48 hours of your arrival.

Directions from Kona International Airport:
Exit the airport and turn left (north) onto Queen Kaahumanu Highway (Highway 19). Drive for approximately 30 miles until the road ends, then turn right onto Highway 19 (Kawaihae Road) and continue for 5.5 miles. Turn right onto Anekona Street in the Kanehoa Subdivision (this is the first entrance to the Kanehoa Subdivision) and you’ll come to a stop sign. Turn left and the entrance to the Akamai House will be the fifth driveway on your right. There is a sign with the address number on it.

Address: 62-2387 Kanehoa Street, Kamuela, HI 96743